contest : weekend @ sheffield : TRUE MEANING OF LOVE [LELAKI ITU...]

by - 3:04 AM

Pesanan khas utk  pembikin contest, inchik joegrimjow...sila baca dgn penuh minat. org lain tak berminat takpe...

Agak lama aku berfikir apa yg aku nk buat utk contest ni. Hampir memakan masa selama sepurrnama.(purnama mmg 1 jer!)

'ting'-muncul mentol menyala di atas kpalaku (dh dpt idea la tu). Setelah dipk-pk, dicongak-congak, dikira-kira,
aku stuju dgn idea genius hasil elektron dan neuron yg bertindak dlm otakku ini.

Entry ini untuk contest weekend @ sheffield

Antara dua tema ni,
'true meaning of love' ATAU ' unity through sportmanship'
aku pilih tema TRUE MEANING OF LOVE...

Ku cuba mengimbas dan mencari-cari dlm kotak ajaibku siapakah yg tlh mmbrikanku pgrtian sbnr tntg cinta.
Akhirnya, aku tdk mahu hipokrit. Aku tdk mahu mnipu diri sndiri. Ini pengakuanku yg sbnr. Dia adalah seorang 
LELAKI.(ada yg jeles tak?)

Tonton video ini smpai tamat sblm 'roll down'..

Hah..hah..jgn nk roll down.tgk dlu video ni.
Walaupon teramatlah tdk best spt video semudah ketika akad nikah itu, tp pnat jugak nk buat ni.

Teruskan membaca...
Ni br n3 yg sbnr2nya. Walaupon video di atas adalah tipu2, tp perlu diambil kira utk sesi pemarkahan.

Sila abaikan grammar yg slh....

Could be he is the 1st man that touch me (tiada mkna tersirat)
Could be he is the 1st man that talk to me
Could be i am his last girl

He is much older than me
Day by day, he become older n older...
LIke i care...
It just a number
My love to him is stronger and stronger, day by day

He always by my side night n day
No matter what happen
No matter how hard it be

He buy me anything i want
You know..kind of girl's stuff
I remember... on my 8th birthday
He bought me a pyjama...
it such too boyish...with ultraman's pic on it
I remember it coz that is the only gift that wrapped well...
The other unwrapped
But too meaningfull...

He is not a perfect man
He has an the other man
He would never blame himself
That's why he always trying to be the best...
For me...
and for the other

I know all his favourite
He loves internet...just like me
But he doesn't has blog
Just curious about political issues
His favourite book.. Al-Quran
His favourite place...masjid
His dream..performing haj
His hope for me...i'll be a doctor soon

I could not imagine..
If he gone... forever
He said that"Prophet Muhammad S.A.W died when he is 63 years"
That is 2 years from his age now
Deep inside my heart...i hope it was not true
Because I LOVE HIM
Because I need him
Because he is

Tonton video ini dgn penuh penghayatan sampai abes. 

Jd jomlah rmai2 join contest ini. Mari2 join, sape menang dpt duit.

last skali, terima kasih EMA.. beliau jgak myumbang utk menyiapkan n3 ni

notadlmkotak: kotak ajaib yg mbw pulangan duit oleh nuffnang dh ada.klik2...klik byk2 kali

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